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Make your stores sell without limits


Cost reduction


Delivery speed


Increased sales


Error reduction


Time savings


Catalog availability

Inventory automation

Widgets of analytics and insights functionalities for retail business management.

Inventory automation

Forget about manual inventory

After a sale in any channel, Stockagile updates in real time the number of stock of the product.

Complete view of the inventory

Check the status of the total stock or by store channels and sales in the same panel, without going back and forth between screens.

Decide what to buy and when to buy based on data

Say goodbye to excess inventory and stranded assets. Stockagile helps you measure customer demand, based on sales history and current stock.

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Performance analysis and product management


All editions in a single panel

A single tool to edit at the same time your products, prices and rebates in all sales channels equally or with different characteristics.

Synchronization of products and catalogs with marketplaces

No more inventory errors or overselling. With Stockagile your stock will always be up to date in every sales channel, without you having to do anything.

Automated replenishment

Stockagile speeds up the product replenishment process by creating automatic purchase orders so you don't lose sales due to stock-outs.

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Ordering and omnichannel sales

Order management and omnichannel sales

Flexibility to prepare orders

Using Stockagile you no longer need a warehouse just for online sales. Prepare orders from stores that have availability.

Integrations to sell more

Are you selling across multiple online channels or are you looking to expand? Stockagile integrates and syncs your sales and stock with Shopify, Amazon, WooCommerce, Zalando and more.

Orders prepared in record time

Quickly locate the products you have sold by scanning the barcode, print the invoice and the shipping label for logistics.

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A point of sale to enhance the in-store experience


Access inventory from the cash register

Check the stock and locations of a product from the cash register and don't miss any sales opportunity.

Build customer loyalty

Attribute sales to customers and Stockagile will create a history for you to decide when to give personalized discounts or increase marketing actions.

Streamline your checkout operations

Collect with any payment method, sell simultaneously, make returns and send tickets automatically to your customers.

Saves time in accounting

Connect Stockagile to Holded so that new or edited sales tickets, invoices, proformas and quotes are automatically sent.

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Traditional ERP vs Stockagile

Don’t be left behind! Download now our ebook and discover the difference between traditional ERP systems and Stockagile. Get detailed information and make the best decision for your business.

“I would tell them not to be afraid to jump into the pool. The transition to Stockagile is very easy, the user experience very good and they are always there for whatever you need.”

Lluis Buixo, Co-founder.

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