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Simplify your warehouse operations

The warehouse management system (WMS) that eliminates human errors, simplifies your operations, reduces your lead times and optimizes your stock.


Cost reduction


Delivery speed


Increased sales


Error reduction


Time savings


Catalog availability

Receives and manages goods more efficiently

Receives and manages goods more efficiently

Optimizes order preparation (picking & packing)

Interfaz de usuario mostrando reglas de enrutamiento con criterios específicos, una nueva orden de picking con opciones para exportar en PDF y enviar a Sendcloud. Incluye una lista de pedidos y un listado de picking detallado.

Control stock in store, in-store and in-transit from a single location

Control stock in store, in-store and in-transit from a single location

Plan purchases and replenish products automatically

Pantalla de interfaz de usuario que muestra la gestión de reposición de inventario con información de productos con existencias mínimas, detallando la clasificación de inventario en categorías A, B y C, junto con sus respectivas cantidades y valores en euros.

Optimal organization of tasks in warehouses

Optimal organization of warehouse tasks and avoidance of human error

Traditional ERP vs Stockagile

Don’t be left behind! Download now our ebook and discover the difference between traditional ERP systems and Stockagile. Get detailed information and make the best decision for your business.

“I would tell them not to be afraid to jump into the pool. The transition to Stockagile is very easy, the user experience very good and they are always there for whatever you need.”

Lluis Buixo, Co-founder.

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